Most people have these stones with no symptoms, often called “silent stones,” and they do not require treatment, but for people experiencing symptoms from gallstones or low-grade gallbladder inflammation, surgery to remove the gallbladder is the most common recommended treatment.

Do gallstones go away by themselves? The gallstones are deposits made of bile that can range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. These deposits may be small enough that they do not cause any complications or pain and will go away on their own.

What foods can cause gallstones? High fat and processed foods can prove to be a trigger for gallstones or even increase pain and discomfort because of weight gain, which is directly linked to the formation of gallstones. Additionally; processed foods, white refined foods like pasta and bread, vegetable oils,…

What can happen if gallstones are left untreated? If your gallbladder ruptures, you may have sudden, sharp severe abdominal pain. The pain might be short-lived after the rupture. But the pain often returns when the rupture site with leaking content grows or becomes inflamed or infected. An untreated ruptured gallbladder can cause systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) within the body.

What is okay to eat with gallstones? Foods to Eat for People Who Suffer from Gallstones Fruit, except for coconuts and avocados. All whole grains because they’re rich in fiber. Consider whole grain pasta, rice, or whole grain bread. Low-fat Meats. The best way to cook them is on the grill, and if the meat is chicken, it’s best to cook it without the skin. Skim milk. Water. Natural, freshly-squeezed fruit juice.



Chenodeoxycholic acids (CDCA): Dissolves the cholesterol that makes gallstones.

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA): Stimulates secretion of bile, decreasing the retention of toxic bile acids.


Removal of the gallbladder. It is the gold standard treatment for gallstones.


  • Avoid junk food completely.
  • Eat nuts which contain unsaturated fats.
  • Cut down carbohydrates.
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.


Foods to eat:

  • Use spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, cayenne, black pepper, fenugreek, cumin, mustard
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat plenty of fiber (bran cereals, grains, whole meal bread) and vegetables

Foods to avoid:

  • Avoid fatty and processed foods.
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid all kinds of artificial foods and drinks
  • Take coffee occasionally as coffee is believed to inhibit the formation of gall bladder stones

Specialist to consult Specializes in the digestive system and its disorders.Specializes in the surgery.What are the causes?What are some prevention tips?How is this diagnosed?For informational purposes only. Consult a medical professional for advice.Reviewed by a panel of doctors. Source: Focus Medica. Was this helpful?Do gallstones pass on their own? A:Small gallstones can sometimes pass on their own. If stones are small enough, they may exit the gallbladder and pass through the bile ducts, into the intestine, where they are then excreted in your stool. When gallstones become stuck in the gallbladder or bile ducts they can cause pain, obstructions, and infections.

How long can you live with gallstones? People with diabetes, however, are the exception and usually will need to have surgery. In addition, if you are in constant pain, you may require surgery. Most people, however, can live indefinitely with gallstones as long as you can control your pain through diet.

What can happen if gallstones are left untreated? If your gallbladder ruptures, you may have sudden, sharp severe abdominal pain. The pain might be short-lived after the rupture. But the pain often returns when the rupture site with leaking content grows or becomes inflamed or infected. An untreated ruptured gallbladder can cause systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) within the body.

What helps dissolve gallstones? Drink 12 or more glasses of water per day. A large intake of water helps dissolve gallstones and promotes frequent urination, which will remove toxins like cholesterol and flush out organs like the gallbladder. Eat a more fiber-filled diet.

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