Washing Basil Leaves. Fill a clean sink with 2 inches of cold water then agitate the leaves in the water to dislodge any dirt. Take the leaves out then leave to drain. Pick the leaves from the stems then set aside. Wash basil leaves in a sink to save water.

How do you clean basil leaves? Washing Basil Leaves. Fill a clean sink with 2 inches of cold water then agitate the leaves in the water to dislodge any dirt. Take the leaves out then leave to drain. Pick the leaves from the stems then set aside. Wash basil leaves in a sink to save water.

How do you dry fresh basil? How to Dry Fresh Basil Start by cutting fresh basil from your garden or grab that extra from the fridge. Wash the basil gently in cool water and spread on a kitchen towel to dry. Preheat oven to its lowest setting. Our is 150 degrees. Place basil in the oven for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Should you wash Basil? Rinse the leaves well. Rinse cut basil leaves under cold water before drying them. This will remove any dirt, chemicals or other debris that may have fallen onto the leaves while growing or while being shipped if your basil is store-bought.

How do you clean basil leaves?

How do you clean basil leaves? Washing Basil Leaves. Fill a clean sink with 2 inches of cold water then agitate the leaves in the water to dislodge any dirt. Take the leaves out then leave to drain. Pick the leaves from the stems then set aside. Wash basil leaves in a sink to save water.

How do you dry fresh basil? How to Dry Fresh Basil Start by cutting fresh basil from your garden or grab that extra from the fridge. Wash the basil gently in cool water and spread on a kitchen towel to dry. Preheat oven to its lowest setting. Our is 150 degrees. Place basil in the oven for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Should you wash Basil? Rinse the leaves well. Rinse cut basil leaves under cold water before drying them. This will remove any dirt, chemicals or other debris that may have fallen onto the leaves while growing or while being shipped if your basil is store-bought.

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