There is not real cure for the stomach flu since it is caused by a virus, but you can get symptoms to go away more quickly. Re-introduce mild foods like rice and bananas back into your diet when recovering for the stomach bug.

What is the home remedy for stomach flu? The top home remedies to treat stomach flu include peppermint tea, chamomile tea, turmeric, chia seeds, ginger, and lemon water.

Are stomach viruses contagious? You can be contagious from a few days up to two weeks or more, depending on which virus is causing your stomach flu (gastroenteritis). A number of viruses can cause gastroenteritis, including noroviruses and rotaviruses.

What is the treatment for stomach virus? The main goal of stomach virus treatment is to prevent dehydration by consuming lots of water. You may need to be hospitalized to be given intravenous fluids if the case is severe dehydration experienced.

Is there a cure for stomach flu? There is no specific treatment for stomach flu, and the infection can usually be left to run its course. Home treatments can improve symptoms, however, and are recommended for anyone who thinks they are ill.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar…

2. Probiotic Yogurt…

3. Honey…

4. Ginger…

5. Turmeric…

6. Cinnamon…

7. Rice Water…

8. Chamomile Tea…

1. Ice Pack…

2. Baking Soda…

3. Chamomile Tea…

4. Drink Plenty Of Water…

5. Yogurt…

6. Peppermint…

7. Cinnamon…

8. Turmeric…

1. Supply Enough Fluids…

2. Avoid Some Drinks…

3. EatBananas…

4. Consume Rice…

5. Take A Rest…

6. Eat Yogurt…

7. Take Warm Compress…

8. Avoid Dairy Products…

What herbs are good for stomach flu? Basil essential oil is rich in linalool and chavicol with varying amounts of geraniol, eugenol, and methyl-eugenol. These oils can help combat the symptoms of gastroenteritis, such as vomiting and diarrhea.[11] Mix equal amounts of basil and ginger juice and drink 2 or 3 times a day to ease stomach pain.

What is the best treatment for stomach flu? The top home remedies to treat stomach flu include peppermint tea, chamomile tea, turmeric, chia seeds, ginger, and lemon water.

How to treat the flu naturally through home remedies?

Household Remedies to Treat Stomach Flu Naturally:

  • ) ACV to Treat Stomach Flu Naturally. Apple cider vinegar has proven helpful for treating symptoms of stomach flu.
  • ) Cinnamon to Treat Stomach Flu Naturally. Cinnamon has antibacterial and antiviral properties which fight back with the virus or bacteria causing stomach flu.
  • ) Ginger to Cure Stomach Flu Naturally.
  • What is the best drink for stomach flu? Water is the purest clear liquid that exists and can help people rehydrate during a bout of stomach flu. Drinking water in small sips rather than large gulps is recommended by the NIDDK.

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